Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Man what a crazy Friday night out!

Family was suppose to go to Applebee's for dinner and then to see True Grit. Applebee's was great except we bought 2 tickets there for less than the going movie rate which did not want to print. In any case we were cutting it close so their ticket printing issues made us 15 minutes late to True Grit. I figured no big deal, we would move fast, tons of commercials....plenty of time. Not Happening!

I was moving so fast when we got there that I almost crushed a young girl who was on her way to get popcorn. When we did finally walk into the theater the movie had already been running for 5 whole minutes. So there the 4 of us stood in the back.

What do we do now? We had already missed the opening scene plus...did we really want to walk all the way down to the front thereby disrupting all the people and totally embarrassing ourselves OR just leave. To the front or leave, to the front or leave? As we discussed our options we kept walking in and out of the theater which only ticked off the people off in the back. About that time in walks the girl I had almost crushed with a bucket of popcorn.

That did it. We got our money back for the tickets (at the higher movie rate by the way) picked up some ice cream at DQ, and drove home to watch Scott Pilgrim vs. the World. It was a good night after all!

As the old saying goes, "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!" that is if you like lemonade! :-)

God Bless,
The Preacher Man

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