When you say the word tension most people hear it negatively. Tension is almost always seen as being a bad thing, sort of like cancer. You hear the word cancer and images of sickness, painful treatments, and even death come to mind. But unlike cancer, tension can be a very, very good thing.
If you are a tight rope walker, tension in the cable you are walking across is a good thing. Tension is good for your muscles. When you lift weights you have to put your muscles under tension in order to strengthen, develop, and grow them. Engineers love tension because tension in heavy duty cables is what makes structures like the San Francisco Bridge possible. And without tension in our lives we end up physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually soft.
Many years ago, as we were talking about my future in ministry my supervisory professor at Southern Seminary, Dr. Charles Bugg said to me, “Scott always make sure you are in a position that is more than you can handle.” I thought for a second and then asked “What?” He said again, “Always make sure you are in a church or position of ministry that is more than you can handle.” Then I asked “Why?” He said, “Because it will keep your edge sharp! It will cause you to get up early in the morning, develop your talents, work hard during the day, and sleep well at night.”
What Dr. Bugg was saying was that the tension caused by taking on more than I could handle would help me to fully become the man God had created me to be.
In other words, the tension is good. May it good for your as well!